Tuesday, October 24, 2006

the cook’s companion -Stephanie Alexander

The Cook’s Companion (The complete book of recipes and ingredients) is a BIG cook book weighing in at 1126 pages and pretty good if you want to begin weightlifting! But what a beautiful cookery book! A rainbow cover with silvered page edges add to the impression that you have something wonderful in your posession. Stephanie Alexander is based in Australia and has experience in running restaurants, cookery schools and writing cookery books. She has had a number of cookery books published and you can read more about her life at Stephanie Alexander’s life.

The cook book has the following contents:

Equipment: a description of all types of kitchen equipment.
Basics: definitions of cooking ingredients and terms.
Measurements: a guide to measurements - what they mean and how they are used.
The ingredients: an A to Z list from Abalone to Zucchini.

A remarkable cook book with masses of intelligent detail. You will learn so much if you use this book over a number of years. By trying a new reciepe each week for example, you can search out new ingredients and bring the best to the food you cook on a daily basis. Stephanie is inspiring in her writing and each reciepe seems to jump off the page just asking to be prepared and eaten.

Check out the links below to Amazon’s bookstore for customer comments:
UK Amazon Store : Stephanie Alexander The Cook’s Companion
US Amazon Store: Stephanie Alexander The Cook’s Companion

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